hUNTSVILLE - A great place for business and industry - COME VISIT US
A great place for
business and industry
-come visit us
Economic Development
The Huntsville Economic Development and Tourism Commission was established in March of 2015 by ordinance after establishing a genuine need for the city to influence growth of industry and business. The main goal of the commission is to improve the economic well-being of our community through job creation, job retention, and quality of life.
Economic Development
Brandi Holt
Economic Development Director
Jarred Rogers
Position 1
David Pemberton
Position 2 - Chairman
James Eaton
Position 3
Bettina Coger
Position 4
Matt Smith
Position 5
Shelia Willcut
Position 6
Juan Hernandez
Position 7
Economic Development
Tourism Commission
Brandi Holt
Economic Development Director
Kevin Hatfield
Position 1
David Pemberton
Position 2 - Chairman
James Eaton
Position 3
Bettina Coger
Position 4
Matt Smith
Position 5
Shelia Willcut
Position 6
Juan Hernandez
Position 7
To request more information regarding business or industry in Huntsville, please email Brandi Holt.

Huntsville, Arkansas, has made a significant leap forward with its 2025 Strategic Community Plan. Developed through a collaborative process with residents, business owners, and community leaders, the plan sets ambitious goals to improve quality of life, strengthen the economy, and preserve the town’s small-town character.
Key focus areas include infrastructure, business growth, workforce development, and housing. As a living document, the plan will evolve with ongoing community feedback, guiding Huntsville’s growth while balancing progress with its unique charm.

The City of Huntsville has adopted a Bike/Ped plan to provide design guidelines, support programs, and policies to help our community become more walk-able, bike-able, and live-able for our residents, visitors, and businesses.
The plan provides both long-term and short-term steps for Huntsville to take to help a create a more walk/bike friendly community. It should be seen as the first step in the process, and one that can and should change has our community continues to grow. The plan outlines areas of needed infrastructure to support a safe and friendly bike/walking environment this includes intersection improvements, additional sidewalk, side paths, and street crossings as well as soft surface trails. This plan can serve as a vision for community’s development especially when applying for grants or other funding opportunities to build needed bike/walking infrastructure.
The Bike/Ped plan for the city of Huntsville has been drafted with the support and help of the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission with the intent of being adopted into the larger Northwest Arkansas Regional Master Plan.
The Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association (NATA) includes Benton, Washington, Carroll and Madison counties. NATA promotes the four-county area’s many attractions, destinations and tourism entities.
NATA has a great website to find interesting activities, festivals, and attractions.
*Click the image to view the book online.
*Free paper copies are available at City Hall.
The City of Huntsville has adopted a Bike/Ped plan to provide design guidelines, support programs, and policies to help our community become more walk-able, bike-able, and live-able for our residents, visitors, and businesses.
The plan provides both long-term and short-term steps for Huntsville to take to help a create a more walk/bike friendly community. It should be seen as the first step in the process, and one that can and should change has our community continues to grow. The plan outlines areas of needed infrastructure to support a safe and friendly bike/walking environment this includes intersection improvements, additional sidewalk, side paths, and street crossings as well as soft surface trails. This plan can serve as a vision for community’s development especially when applying for grants or other funding opportunities to build needed bike/walking infrastructure.
The Bike/Ped plan for the city of Huntsville has been drafted with the support and help of the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission with the intent of being adopted into the larger Northwest Arkansas Regional Master Plan.
Helpful Information
Starting & Operating a Business in Arkansas
Starting a new business in Huntsville? Click here to view and/or print our business plan brochure.
This is a 25 page guide from the Department of Finance & Administration for starting and doing business in Arkansas. Click here to view online or pick up a paper copy at the City Hall building.
This booklet from the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration is helpful for business tax-related information. Click here to view and/or print.
FORGE provides small businesses in our area with affordable loans. The mission of FORGE is to promote community development and economic sustainability by linking investors with borrowers, urban and rural communities, consumers with producers, and low income groups with basic affordable credit.
Visit our tourism page for area activities, here.